The most dreaded time of the year/month is here, can you believe it? You are either preparing or already writing the final set of report cards!!
I personally always found this last set of report cards the hardest to write, because I had said it all in the other sets of report cards. I often wished that I could just stamp the last report card "You Passed', sign it and be done with it. But, ... no such luck!
However, there are some students that have improved since writing the last reports, so that's always a pleasure and I write them with a smile on my face. And, of course, there are also those that have "gone down hill" and have not persevered and the marks exhibit their working habits. Those are the challenging ones to write!
It's important to me that I write positive comments and use qualifiers with them when it's a difficult report, e.g. at times, does some times, however, not always, with assistance, etc., etc, etc.
In your school board/district, you may have already established comments to use. However in this newsletter, I am going to share with you some of my May/June comments for various learning skills:
1. Independent Work:
* responds and participates in a variety of learning activities.
* chooses learning materials, resources and activities independently.
* explores, selects and uses numerous learning strategies.
2. Initiative:
* investigates and obtains information independently, e.g. library, Youtube, internet.
* observes, questions and explores.
* participates in co-curricular activities.
3. Homework(work habits):
* demonstrates interest in and enthusiasm for homework assignments.
* perseveres with complex projects that require sustained effort.
* demonstrates flexibility and adaptability.
4. Use of Information:
* recognizes when assignments and projects would benefit from additional information and identifies the type of info needed.
* identifies and uses evidence, research, opinions and idscussion to gather info and solve problems.
* demonstrates creativity in assessing info and ideas and draws relevant conclusions.
5. Co-operation with Others:
* assumes responsibilities in groups, the classroom and the school.
* establishes positive relationships with peers and adults.
* responds and is sensitive to the needs and welfare of others.
6. Conflict Resolution:
* listens to understand conflicts before acting or offering a resolution.
* uses a variety of positive strategies to resolve conflicts appropriately.
7. Class Participation:
* accepts various roles within the class and group, including leadership roles.
* paraphrases points of view to help understand.
* recognizes contributions of group membersthrough encouragement, support or praise.
8. Problem Solving
* devises alternative solutions or ways of solving.
* makes connections between different problems and solutions.
* develops original ideas and creative approaches to solve problems.
9. Goal Setting:
* identifies appropriate criteria for assessing work.
* identifies strengths and areas for improvement in own work.
* identifies and persevers to achieve goals independently.
Please feel free to use thes comments in your report cards. Change the wording if you prefer so that it best fits your student's capabilities.
Good luck with your report cards and please read my pages on report cards. For example:
Report Card Comments or Report Card Template.
Before you know it, you will be planning your end of the year party.
Next month, I will be writing about fun activities that you can do with your kids, ending the year on a high note.
Enjoy the month of May and I look forward to speaking to you in June.
Happy trails,
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