Hopefully, you are in the mood for quick, simple and highly effective student motivational techniques to get students to work and to manage the classroom more efiiciently. Hopefully these techniques can help students who are dragging their feet and boost your morale as well.
Why Use These Techniques?
1. give teachers motivational diversity.
2. can be used continually throughout the year, without losing their effectiveness.
3. are non-pressure motivational actions which won't destroy the teacher student relationship.
4. are stress reducers that can be used with ease and avoid frustration.
5. are highly professional and help us avoid negative actions (threats and displays of anger) as we try to get students to begin their work.
6. establish a teacher student relationship that exhibits caring concern for your students, but keeps you, the teacher, in control of the situation.
Here Are 6 Quick Actions That Motivate
1. Minor Point - After explaining the assignment/task, shift the emphasis to something less significant: e.g. "Do you want blank or lined paper?" Once answered, stop. The answer to the minor point serves as the motivator. Keep in mind that students may fear the challenge (the major tasks), so move from the big to the small tasks to motivate.
2. Question Technique - Before students start their work, ask the question, "Can I do anything else before you begin your assignment?" Then pause and instruct them to begin. Don't repeat instructions or add to your lesson once they start their assignment. Remember not to interrupt after they begin or your action can become the motivational block.
3. Assumption Technique - We often use this technique,however we then abandon it because it falters with a few. Recognize that it does work for the majority of your students. Give instructions and then walk away assuming your students will do as asked. Use this technique to your advantage by displaying confidence in your students both verbally and non-verbally. Stick to it - you can use another technique for those individuals who need extra help;
4. Impending Event - This is used for an upcoming activity or event. (For instance, a big test, school activity/assembly, a reward for doing well, free weekend of no homework, etc.). Use this motivator as a benefit not a threat.
5. Promise Technique - This is a quick motivator if implemented correctly. The key is to have students promise bfore allowing them to do something, such as working together.
6. Please Technique - This is a given, saying "please" with your request. To make it more effective, ask your students to do as requested for themselves, rather than for you. Remember "I", "me" and "mine" are the 3 least motivational words you can use.
The six techniques: minor point, question, assumption, impending event, promise and please should be part of every teacher's repetoire of skills. They offer benefits to students and teachers. Reasons why? They're quiet, non-threatening, give students the opportunity to choose to be productive which is the best form of motivation. They give the teacher and students the opportunity to be respectful rather than disruptive.
You probably use these techniques several times a day and often use some at the same time with different students. They allow stress and confrontation to be minimized. They create a supportive learning environment which continues throughout the year.
Use these techniques as often as you can and believe me that you will see your students in a different light and vice versa. Read my page on student motivation and read about many more of my student motivational techniques.
I would like to wish you, my readers, a very happy and healthy new year. Enjoy the well deserved rest.
I appreciate your loyalty and dedication to become the best teacher you can possibly be. Please click on the Facebook "Like" button on my site and continue passing the word about priceless-teaching-strategies.com.
Speak to you in the new year in 2012!!
Happy trails,
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