Student Motivation is a Necessity.
Here's How to Achieve It!!

Student motivation, especially intrinsic motivation (the motivation that comes from within ones self), is a critical part of the education process.

Motivation is a necessity so that learning becomes a continuing, improving, interesting and hopefully enjoyable process.

I say "hopefully enjoyable" because although you as a teacher try to make learning fun, your students should understand that learning is the goal, the fun part is just nice to have.

As I'm sure you know, most people can be intimidated when it comes to doing or learning something new - they would just prefer to maintain the status quo, it's easier.

You as a teacher, must develop and encourage classroom motivation, i.e. think of and find ways to motivate students to reach their potential, their goals and their dreams.

Students must also share in the responsibility by doing some things for themselves, such as:

* Set realistic goals for themselves, (based on their desires, not on what others may say)and thus become more motivated to attain their goals.

* Understand that achieving one's goals takes work and may involve some risk. Learning is work and can be risky to your self esteem when you try something new, admit you don't know something and have to ask for help.

Create Student Motivation in the Classroom.

There are so many ways for you to develop student motivation:

1. As mentioned above (but worth repeating), encourage them to set to set goals.

2. Give students more control - a chance to create their own personal choices. Establishing their own rights, is a very resourceful motivational technique. I'm talking about students choosing their own ways (with your agreement of course) of completing assignments, learning new or complex tasks, etc.

3. As much as possible relate assignments and class projects to real life situations.

4. Practice the assertive discipline (positive discipline) techniques that I discuss on my page about Classroom Discipline

5. Of course most teachers will come across students who will be very difficult to motivate and who will not care about what happens in school. You have to create incentives. There are ways to motivate students such as these.

Doing unique activities, creating situations where they can work in small groups, creating a reward system are just a few ideas.

Teaching in primary grades is quite different than in junior grades and so is student motivation. Read about the reward systems that I have set up for students in both primary grades and junior grades by reading my page on motivation to learn .

BUT please keep in mind that the reward system should be treated as a reward for finishing a task not for just participating.

Want some of my helpful suggestions on Classroom Awards as well as many very useful and colourful certificates, awards and school passes without having to design the them from scratch?

Be sure to read my page on Classroom Awards

6. Having students help with some of the many jobs that need to be done in the classroom, will not only make your life as a teacher easier but classroom jobs are also a great student motivational tool.

7. Games are fabulous classroom team building activities which are great for creating motivation in the classroom. It's amazing how it does wonders for students' self esteem and camaraderie. Read about a few of the motivational classroom games that I found successful.

8. Another of my favorite classroom activities for team building was a classroom meeting that I called Special Talk and Student of the Week . My students loved it! This is another excellent student motivational tool.

9. Read about two very successful classroom contests that I implemented, that my students loved and were invaluable in motivating my students and helping to establish discipline in my classroom.

10. Motivate your students with some of these math word wall strategies.

11. Always remember that humor in the classroom is a great way to motivate students. Read this page and find out why humor in the classroom is so important.

12. Motivating students to read has always been a challenge for teachers. Motivating students to read doesn't have to be taxing and stressful.

Read about the effective methods that I have used for motivating students to read

13. One great motivational tool and an excellent educational experience are field trips. Be sure to read my page on school field trip ideas to get some effective field trip ideas and planning strategies.

14. Another great motivational tool is using the smartboard to deliver your lessons. It's great for encouraging student participation and interaction. Read my page on smartboard lesson plans to learn what they are all about.

15. Praise in the classroom can be a wonderful motivational tool, if done correctly. Read how!

Three important thoughts to keep in mind as you finish reading this page:

1. Always display care, concern and encouragement for your students.

2. Never give up on any unmotivated students or they will give up on themselves.

3. Going hand in hand with building student motivation is building student self esteem. Be sure to read my page on Student Self Esteem and learn to incorporate building self esteem within your daily lesson plans. It's crucial.

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